about me!

who am i?

 “Hello! My name is………….” That’s boring! I am not going to start that way because you probably know my name by now, and by going through my website, you probably have a fair idea of what all I do!

I am going to start with who I am on a personal level. If you are a fun, light-hearted, happy, curious, fulfilled, calm, and well-directed person, we are friends because I am just these things! 

How I matter to you?

Being an author and blogger in the personal development and self-help genre, I believe that the names already contain the primary truth. This genre is known as “self-help” because what you are doing is helping yourself, and therefore in your life, I am nothing but the guide or the escort showing you the path to meaning, success, and fulfillment. It is up to you to decide if you want to walk the path or not! With my book and blogs I am giving you the key to meaning and happiness, but it is up to you to decide if you want to open the lock with it or not.

But, I don’t just end here for you. I must inspire you to take action. I must inspire you to change your life to the way you want it to be, and then it is up to you to leverage on that inspiration. As an author and blogger, this is who I am for you. If I can fulfill that purpose, I matter to you, and that is what I aim to do! This website and my book is more about you than me, and therefore I have tried my best to give you enriching content to the fullest to achieve success in life. Only then will I become the Writer, the inspirer, and the gateway for you. If you fulfill your purpose, only then I come into existence for you!

I hope that after reading my work you feel that I have become the author, the inspirer, and the gateway for you! If so, then I would love to connect with you and understand how my book could impact your life because a reader creates a writer, and I would like to be the one you cherish!

Connect with me on social media.